Gelukkig vond ik maandagavond toch nog even wat uurtjes vrije tijd om aan mijn huishoudboekje verder te werken, en dit is de pagina voor mei geworden.
Nu ga ik snel iets eten, en dan ga ik proberen om toch ook nog een beetje te scrappen, want daarna kom ik pas dinsdagnamiddag weer thuis, dus kan ik weer enkele dagen niets doen dat met scrappen te maken heeft.
So, I'm just back from 2 days of driving around in Sweden with 5 Swiss people. So I have to take out my suitcase now, to then directly make a new one, because tomorrow morning I will be flying from Gothenburg to Brussels, and then further to London where I will have some different meetings on Friday with various people.
Luckely I can fly back to Brussels on Friday evening, to enjoy the weekend in Belgium again ... a weekend that is of course already fully planned as usual ;-))
I'm happy to say that I had found some free hours for scrapbooking last Monday to work further on my housekeeping book and this is the result for May.
Now I will try to grab a quick bite, and then I will try to do some more scrapbooking, because then I will only come home again on Tuesday afternoon next week, so I cannot do anything fun and scrapbooklike anymore during the next coming days ...
5 opmerkingen:
Very nice Mich!
Die ziet er ook weer zo leuk uit!
Very cute housekeeping book, as always! Thanks for sharing pictures of your pages.
prachtig gedaan Mich !
je betn getagged, kijk maar eens op mijn blog
Het is weer super!
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