Well, I'm in London for the moment. Normally I'm here about 2 days a month, but since I will soon start to work on a temporarily project in Germany, it will now take about 6 months before I will be here next time.
So today and tomorrow after work, it's time to buy a big stock of stuff that I like ... elderberry tea from Marks & Spencer, cheese with ginger and with cranberry, cookies, a number of the Jamie Oliver magazine, etc etc etc ...
And tomorrow night, when sleeping in the neighborhood of Covent Garden, I will treat myself to a night of shopping, knowing that I will spent some hours in those superbig bookshops that they are having in that neighborhood. I'm already looking forward to it ...
Underneath I have a scrapbooking page with again a picture from my mum in her younger days. Her hair was really a piece of art !!
2 opmerkingen:
Hoi Mich, bedankt voor je reactie ! Ja, in Zweden zal het nu wel extra koud zijn.... Je bent nog steeds ijverig aan't scrappen, zie ik. Mooie layouts hoor ! Ik ben nu meer met stempelen (kaartjes en ATC's) bezig.
Beste groetjes Enny
Wat een mooie pagina!
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