Deze zijn met de hand genaaid, en nog steeds vraag ik mij af wat ik het mooiste vind, met de hand of met de machine genaaid. Met de naaimachine zijn de steekjes natuurlijk veel mooier en gelijkmatiger, maar aan de andere heb ik zo iets dat deze poppetjes veel echter zijn als ze met de hand worden genaaid. En dan heb ik er natuurlijk ook veel langer plezier van om ze te naaien he.
Ik kom er niet echt uit, denk ik !!
I did already announce it earlier, and now it's the moment ... the birth of "The Busy Bee" ... I hope you enjoy it ...
Because I’m already a busy bee for many years, I have decided to spoil you every day during the next month with something that I or my mum - who is also very creative - made during earlier days. Some people on the forum have already seen this, but because I see that there are quit some more people that are reading along (which makes me very happy by the way), I wanted to show it to all of you. In order to tell you already something, I can say that this first month will be dedicated to craftwork, followed by some cards and layouts that have not appeared on my blog yet.
Today I start with a Tilda X-mas-couple that I have sewed last year as X-mas present for my mum. We love to surprise each other with creative gifts. It was the first Tilda I have been sewing, and since than I have been in love with everything that is Tilda.
This one I have been sewing by hand and still today I don't know what I like best, sewing by hand or with a sewing machine. With a sewing machine, the stitches are of course nicer and more even, but on the other hand I believe these Tilda are more real if they are made by hand. And than I have much longer in making them.
I still don't know, I guess !!
3 opmerkingen:
Die zijn echt super leuk!
These are very cute! What a wonderful gift.
Hoo, ik ben echt verliefd op deze poppen!!!
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